Irina uses the latest scientific discoveries for regenerative effects for joints and the whole body with Prolozone, PRP & Growth Factors and Neural Therapy with great success! Please read more about these modalities below
What Is Prolozone® Therapy?
Prolozone® is a homeopathic/oxygen-ozone injection technique developed and pioneered by Dr. Frank Shallenberger. It is excellent for all forms of musculoskeletal and joint pain including chronic neck and back pain, rotator cuff injuries, degenerative and arthritic hips and knees, degenerated discs, and shoulder and elbow pain.
Prolozone Therapy is a non-surgical procedure to eliminate or reduce pain by facilitating the body’s own natural ability to heal itself. Prolozone Therapy uses ozone to cause the proliferation, regeneration and rebuilding of new ligament and cartilage tissue in an area where they have become weak.
How Does Prolozone Therapy Work?
Polozone Therapy involves the injection of ozone in and around ligaments where they attach to the bone. The injected ozone increases blood supply and flow of healing nutrients. It also stimulates deposition and activity of cells called fibroblasts and chondroblasts. Ozone is a naturally-occurring, highly reactive molecule consisting of three atoms of oxygen. Because ozone is highly reactive, it is able to stimulate the fibroblastic and chondroblastic cellular activity, thus enhancing the repair cycle by increasing available oxygen and nutrients to the new forming tissue.
Common Problems Remedied with Prolozone Therapy
- Back and neck pain – with or without degenerative disc disease
- Shoulder pain from rotator cuff injuries
- Osteoarthritis – hips, knees and spine
- Arthritic joints
- Tennis Elbow
- Sports injuries
- Carpal Tunnel
- Plantar Fascitis
- Sprains and strains
Results to Expect
The response to treatment varies from individual to individual and depends upon one’s healing ability and severity of injury. Some people need only two treatments, while others may need five or six or more. The injection process is repeated every 2 weeks until maximum improvement is noted. It may take more injections in those that have had severe pain for many years. Each situation requires its own protocol.
Prolozone Therapy is a safe, natural and often permanent treatment. All the research indicates there are no side effects when properly implemented.
What Is Neural Therapy?
Neural Therapy involves injections of local anesthetics into peripheral nerves, autonomic ganglia, scars, glands, acupuncture points and joints.
It is designed to repair dysfunction of the (ANS)autonomic nervous system, the part of the nervous system responsible for the “automatic” functions of the body – immune system, circulation, hormone release, temperature regulation, digestion, breathing and healing ability.
Neural Therapy is one of the best-known natural healing methods in Germany and is now also practiced in other countries in Europe and the United States.
Conditions Neural Therapy Helps
- Acute and chronic pain (including headaches of different origins)
- Poor circulation
- Multiple chronic conditions, caused by interrupted interference fields
- Diseases of the motor system(sciatica, arthritic joints, sport injuries)
- Internal diseases such as prostate, lungs, heart, female organs
- Allergies, asthma
- Chronic and acute sinuses
- Kidney and liver disorders
- And many others
How Neural Therapy Works
Neural Therapy is based on the theory that any trauma, infection, or surgery can damage a part of the autonomic nervous system and produce long-standing disturbance in the electrochemical or electromagnetic functions of these tissues.
These disturbances are known as “interference fields” because they interfere with normal function and healing.
When correctly placed injections are done, the therapeutic effect always goes far beyond the short-term anesthetic effect.
What are Interference Fields?
Interference fields are areas where the autonomic nervous system is under-functioning. Interference fields can be found almost anywhere in the body and are often far from the part of the body that is experiencing symptoms.
Interference fields generally arise in locations where there has been an injury, either from sharp or blunt trauma, local infection or inflammation, or mechanical strain injury, dental work, a gland, piercing, tattoo, vaccinations, surgical scars, etc.
Nerve Cell Function
MRP – Membrane Resting Potential for nerve cells is the electrical potential (how much potential energy) a cell has at rest.
For a healthy nerve cell it is -90 mV. If the cells are stimulated (person falls, accident, surgery), the nerve cell will lose some of its potential energy.
An unhealthy cell will chronically be starting at a lower membrane resting potential, for instance –60 (instead of -90) causing Painful Action Potential – pain signals.
The temporary introduction of the local anesthetic raises the membrane potential threshold of that cell. That is why the area goes numb and the person cannot perceive pain input for that short time.
*During time when pain input is blocked, the cell has increased membrane potential (more energy given to it), thus the cell has improved metabolism and the sick cell succeeds during this time in removing metabolic waste and toxins, allowing the previously sick cells to shift back to normality.
*This can happens instantly with one treatment (lightening reaction), or more commonly after a series of treatments, each treatment restoring the regulating function as far as possible, and with each repetition allowing the cell to increasingly build up its energy potential.
- Procaine was the first local anesthetic in the world, 1905
- Ana Aslan (1950s), a Romanian biologist and physician who discovered the anti-aging effects of procaine
- Cancer Research published a study in 2003 “Procaine is a DNA-demethylating agent with Growth-Inhibitory Effects in Humans”
- Metabolites into PABA –component of folic acid
- Stimulates hormones and enzymes
- Regulates cell membrane
- Produces a better perfusion
- Relieves pain
- Restores ANS equilibrium
- Anti-allergic
- Vasodilator/Improves circulation
- Has anti-histamine effect
- Has a redox potential of +290 mV