Condition: Osteoporosis Treatment in Exeter, NH


Symptoms: Joint pain and stiffness after periods of inactivity (sleeping, sitting); swelling or tenderness in one or more joints; crunching feeling or creaking sound when moving a joint (called crepitus). Thinning bone structure as indicated on Dexa test; low back pain or stiffness, poor stamina, bone pain or weakness, arm-neck-shoulder syndrome.

Osteoporosis (Bone loss) is not just thin bone but “sick” bone. Often linked to infection in the bone, which disrupts the ability of the body to build and maintain healthy bones, leading to degenerative conditions such as neck-arm-shoulder syndromes, difficulty with joints (pain and inflammation), etc.Osteoporosis typically does not resolve by boosting minerals and vitamin D. Often due to chronic,high protein consumption (esp. red meat) which creates an acid pH (due to heavy mineral loss to buffer the acidic meat proteins), heavy metal toxicity (from silver fillings, etc.). Many drugs can promote osteoporosis (and inhibit bone repair) such as calcium channel blockers, diuretics, caffeine (coffee), etc.In Oriental Medicine, the growth and maintenance of the bones are controlled by the kidneys (energetically speaking). Therefore, it is important to protect and support kidney function.
Osteo-Arthritis: OA is the most common form of arthritis in the U.S. In OA, there is a gradual breakdown of the cartilage in joints, resulting in joint stiffness, swelling and pain. OA commonly affects the fingers, knees, spine and hips and less frequently the wrists, elbows, shoulders and ankles.OA usually comes on slowly and those over age 45. At first, joints may ache after exercise or work. Later, the joints degenerate. Not everyone with OA feels pain. If the joints are red, hot and tender, then it is probably not OA (more likely rheumatoid arthritis).Often linked to infection in the joints which promotes cartilage destruction; often due to low pH (poor mineral status) and chronic,high protein consumption (esp. red meat) which creates an acid pH (due to heavy mineral loss to buffer the acidic meat proteins), heavy metal toxicity (from silver fillings, etc.); toxic liver.In Oriental Medicine, the maintenance and flexibility of the joints is controlled by the liver (energetically speaking). Therefore, it is important to detoxify the liver to keep the joints strong.

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