Condition: Thyroid Imbalance Treatment in Exeter, NH


Symptoms of Hypothyroid (under-active thyroid): fatigue, cold hands, and feet; weight gain, low libido, depression, slowed heart rate, heavy periods, slow physical and mental functions, constipation, intolerance to cold.

Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism (over-acting thyroid): headache, bulging eyeballs, high blood pressure, increased heart rate, feeling hot (sweating often), unwanted weight loss even with an increased appetite, hand trembling, nervousness, diarrhea, muscle weakness.

Often linked to infection in thyroid (often not found by typical lab tests), heavy metal toxicity (from silver fillings or other toxic dental metals) that drain toxic metal ions to accumulate in the thyroid area; low pH (due to deficient minerals), toxic liver stagnation (the liver meridian goes through throat/thyroid area). 

Parathyroid Dysfunction: Toxicity in the parathyroid glands can reflex to the thyroid and cause thyroid dysfunction but the primary cause is really the parathyroids. In this case, when the parathyroids are detoxified, thyroid function often returns to normal. Special Note: Low progesterone levels can often create hypothyroid symptoms. Raising progesterone levels to normal by using natural progesterone cream has often eliminated the need to continue thyroid medication. Symptoms of hypothyroid (underactive thyroid): fatigue, cold hands, and feet; weight gain, low libido, depression, slowed heart rate, slowed physical and mental functions, constipation, intolerance to cold.

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